

Device Compatibility


The Pressure driver reports values for:

  • Pressure
  • Altitude
  • Temperature

Based on component location, the temperature values from the Humidity driver are recommended over the Pressure driver

Available ZeroMQ Ports

  • Base port: 20025
  • Keep-alive port: 20026
  • Error port: 20027
  • Data Update port: 20028


Base Port

This port accepts 2 configurations for communicating with the Pressure driver.

  • delay_between_updates - controls the output speed of messages from the Data Update port.

  • timeout_after_last_ping - stops sending messages from the Data Update port if nothing has been sent to the Keep-alive port after the specified amount of seconds.

message DriverConfig {
// Delay between updates in seconds
float delay_between_updates = 1;
// Timeout after last ping
float timeout_after_last_ping = 2;
View the defined message here.

Keep-alive Port

This driver needs keep-alive messages in order to send data to your application. It's recommended to send an empty string "" because the contents of a keep-alive message are never read.

Error Port

Applications can subscribe to this port to receive driver related errors.

Data Update Port

Applications can subscribe to this port for pressure data. The output will be a serialized message of type Pressure with the following information.

message Pressure {
// Pressure
float pressure = 1;

// Altimeter
float altitude = 2;

// Temperature
float temperature = 3;
View the defined message here.