

Device Compatibility


The following sections below will go over how to control the LED array on your MATRIX Device.

Import Statement

import ("github.com/matrix-io/matrix-lite-go")

MATRIX Initialization

.Init will contain an Led struct to call the functions below

m := matrix.Init()



Returns the number of LEDs on a MATRIX device.


// RGBW is used to represent the color of an LED
purple := m.RGBW{R: 255, G: 0, B:255, W:0}

Allows you to set the colors of each LED. A string, RGBW struct, slice or array can be given to this function.

// Valid ways to set each LED
m.Led.Set(matrix.RGBW{0, 0, 255, 0})

Passing in an array allows you to set each individual LED color. However, passing an array that's larger than led.length will result in an error.

// Slice
m.Led.Set([]string{"red", "gold", "black", "purple"})

// Slice with different data types
m.Led.Set([]interface{}{"red", "", matrix.RGBW{}, "black", matrix.RGBW{G: 255}})

// Array
m.Led.Set([5]string{"red", "gold", "black", "purple"})

Everloop Examples
package main

import "github.com/matrix-io/matrix-lite-go"

func main() {
    m := matrix.Init()
    // A single string or RGBW sets all LEDs
    // Below are different ways of expressing a color (number values are from 0-255)
    m.Led.Set(matrix.RGBW{0, 0, 255, 0})
package main

import "github.com/matrix-io/matrix-lite-go"

func main() {
    m := matrix.Init()
    m.Led.Set("invalid color names will default to black")
package main

import (


func main() {
    m := matrix.Init()

    // It's recommended to use Slices so that m.Led.Length can be used
    everloop := make([]matrix.RGBW, m.Led.Length)
    everloop[0] = matrix.RGBW{B: 100}

    for {
        lastLed := everloop[0]
        everloop = everloop[1:]
        everloop = append(everloop, lastLed)

        time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
package main

import (


func main() {
    m := matrix.Init()
    everloop := make([]matrix.RGBW, m.Led.Length)

    ledAdjust := 0.0
    if len(everloop) == 35 {
        ledAdjust = 0.51 // MATRIX Creator
    } else {
        ledAdjust = 1.01 // MATRIX Voice

    frequency := 0.375
    counter := 0.0
    tick := len(everloop) - 1

    for {
        // Create rainbow
        for i, led := range everloop {
            led.R = uint8(math.Max(0, (math.Sin(frequency*counter+(math.Pi/180*240))*155+100)/10))
            led.G = uint8(math.Max(0, (math.Sin(frequency*counter+(math.Pi/180*120))*155+100)/10))
            led.B = uint8(math.Max(0, (math.Sin(frequency*counter)*155+100)/10))

            counter += ledAdjust

            everloop[i] = led

        // Slowly show rainbow
        if tick != 0 {
            for i := tick; i > 0; i-- {
                everloop[i] = matrix.RGBW{}

        time.Sleep(35 * time.Millisecond)