IR on MATRIX Creator

IR Locations


There are two IR transmitters and one IR receiver on the MATRIX Creator. Both components are wired to the Pi's GPIO pins for you to directly call.

IR Transmitters

Raspberry Pi GPIO BCM Pin: 13
Both transmitters are located on the front & back of the MATRIX Creator. They are both connected to the same pin.

IR Receiver

Raspberry Pi GPIO BCM Pin: 16
The receiver is located on the front of the MATRIX Creator.


The IR components on the MATRIX Creator should work the same as if they were directly placed on a Raspberry Pi. This means that libraries which utilize IR components can work with the MATRIX Creator. Below are a few we've seen work.


The pigpio library has an example that can record and send IR signals you want to record. However, the implementation will cause issues with using audio recording/playback.

Example Repositories:

  • IR Test: Simple record & playback of an IR signal.
  • TV Remote Website: Website that can command the MATRIX Creator to send IR signals.


The LIRC Package allows for receiving and sending IR signals with common IR remotes. Unlike pigpio, this package seems to play well with audio recording/playback.

Kernel 4.19 workaround

To utilize LIRC on the latest Kernel modules for Raspbian Stretch, A patch needs to be applied for the package. These community contributed instructions can help solve this issue.