
Microphone Array

Device Compatibility


The microphone array interface supports:

  • Accepting input from individual microphones
  • Accepting input from beamformed microphone


Below is the overview of the microphone array implementation. Code examples can be found here.

These header files are required to use the microphone array.

// Interfaces with microphone array
#include "matrix_hal/microphone_array.h"
// Enables using FIR filter with microphone array
#include "matrix_hal/microphone_core.h"
// Communicates with MATRIX device
#include "matrix_hal/matrixio_bus.h"

MicrophoneArray is a required object that contains functions to interface with the microphone array.

// Create MicrophoneArray object
matrix_hal::MicrophoneArray microphone_array;

The functions below are part of MicrophoneArray.


Setup is a function that takes a MatrixIOBus object as a parameter and sets that object as the bus to use for communicating with MATRIX device.

// Function declaration in header file
void Setup(MatrixIOBus *bus);
// Set microphone_array to use MatrixIOBus bus

Read is a function that outputs microphone array data to the delayed_data_ array and the beamformed_ array in the MicrophoneArray object.

// Function declaration in header file
bool Read();
// Reading 8-mics buffer from the FPGA

SamplingRate is a function that returns the sampling_frequency_ value in the MicrophoneArray object.

// Function declaration in header file
uint32_t SamplingRate() { return sampling_frequency_; }
// Return the stored sampling rate
uint32_t SamplingRate = microphone_array.SamplingRate();

Gain is a function that returns the gain_ value in the MicrophoneArray object.

// Function declaration in header file
uint16_t Gain() { return gain_; }
// Return the stored gain
uint32_t Gain = microphone_array.Gain();

SetSamplingRate is a function that sets the sampling_frequency_ value in the MicrophoneArray object and sends it to the microphone array.

// Function declaration in header file
bool SetSamplingRate(uint32_t sampling_frequency);
// Set the sampling rate

SetGain is a function that sets the gain_ value in the MicrophoneArray object and sends it to the microphone array.

// Function declaration in header file
bool SetGain(uint16_t gain);
// Set the gain

GetSamplingRate is a function that gets the sampling rate value from the microphone array and saves it in the MicrophoneArray object as value sampling_frequency_.

// Function declaration in header file
bool GetSamplingRate();
// Update sampling_frequency_ from microphone array

GetGain is a function that gets the gain value from the microphone array and saves it in the MicrophoneArray object as value gain_.

// Function declaration in header file
bool GetGain();
// Update gain_ from microphone array

ReadConfValues is a function that runs both the GetGain and GetSamplingRate functions. This updates the gain_ and the sampling_frequency_ values in the MicrophoneArray object with values from the microphone array.

// Function declaration in header file
void ReadConfValues();
// Update values from microphone array

ShowConfiguration is a function that outputs the gain_ and sampling_frequency_ values in the MicrophoneArray object.

// Function declaration in header file
void ShowConfiguration();
// Output `gain_` and `sampling_frequency_` values
microphone_array.void ShowConfiguration();
// Style of output
std::cout << "Audio Configuration: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sampling Frequency: " << sampling_frequency_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "Gain : " << gain_ << std::endl;

Channels is a function that returns the number of microphone channels.

// Function declaration in header file
uint16_t Channels() { return kMicrophoneChannels; }
// Return the number of channels
uint16_t Channels = microphone_array.Channels();

NumberOfSamples is a function that returns the number of samples.

// Function declaration in header file
uint32_t NumberOfSamples() {
    return kMicarrayBufferSize / kMicrophoneChannels;
// Return the number of samples
uint16_t SampleAmount = microphone_array.NumberOfSamples();

At is a function that returns microphone data from the delayed_data_ array. The Read function populates the delayed_data_ array.

// Function declaration in header file
int16_t &At(int16_t sample, int16_t channel) {
    return delayed_data_[sample * kMicrophoneChannels + channel];
// Return a single sample
int16_t sample = microphone_array.At(s, c);

Beam is a function that returns beamformed microphone data from the beamformed_ array. The Read function populates the beamformed_ array.

// Function declaration in header file
int16_t &Beam(int16_t sample) { return beamformed_[sample]; }
// Return a single sample
int16_t sample = microphone_array.Beam(s);

CalculateDelays is a function that calculates and sets up delays for beamforming.

// Function declaration in header file
void CalculateDelays(float azimutal_angle, float polar_angle,
                    float radial_distance_mm = 100.0,
                    float sound_speed_mmseg = 320 * 1000.0);
// Calculate and set up beamforming delays
microphone_array.CalculateDelays(0, 0, 1000, 320 * 1000);

MicrophoneCore is an optional object that contains functions to enable using a FIR filter with microphone array. It accepts a MicrophoneArray object in it's constructor.

// Constructor declaration in header file
MicrophoneCore(MicrophoneArray &microphone_array);
// Create MicrophoneCore object
matrix_hal::MicrophoneCore microphone_core(microphone_array);

The functions below are part of MicrophoneCore.


Setup is a function that takes a MatrixIOBus object as a parameter and sets that object as the bus to use for communicating with MATRIX device. It also sets up the FIR filter by calling SelectFIRCoeff(&FIR_default[0]).

// Function declaration in header file
void Setup(MatrixIOBus *bus);
// Set microphone_core to use MatrixIOBus bus

SetFIRCoeff is a function that sends the fir_coeff_ array in the MicrophoneCore object to the FPGA.

// Function declaration in header file
bool SetFIRCoeff();
// Sends fir_coeff_ to FPGA


SetCustomFIRCoeff is a function that sets the fir_coeff_ array in the MicrophoneCore object.

If input is valid then the function also calls SetFIRCoeff to send the fir_coeff_ array in the MicrophoneCore object to the FPGA.

bool SetCustomFIRCoeff(const std::valarray<int16_t> custom_fir);
// Sets fir_coeff_ to custom_fir

SelectFIRCoeff is a function that sets the fir_coeff_ array in the MicrophoneCore object.

If input is valid then the function also calls SetFIRCoeff to send the fir_coeff_ array in the MicrophoneCore object to the FPGA.

This function accepts a FIRCoeff struct, which is defined below.

// FIRCoeff definition in header file
struct FIRCoeff {
uint32_t rate_;
std::valarray<int16_t> coeff_;
bool SelectFIRCoeff(FIRCoeff *FIR_coeff);
// Sets fir_coeff_ from FIR_default[0]
Provided FIR Filters

A FIR filter is provided in matrix_hal/microphone_core_fir.h.

This filter provided is in the form of a FIRCoeff struct, which is defined below.

// FIRCoeff definition in header file
struct FIRCoeff {
uint32_t rate_;
std::valarray<int16_t> coeff_;

To use the provided FIR filter the SelectFIRCoeff function is used to set it, then the SetFIRCoeff function is used to send it to the FPGA.

// Sets fir_coeff_ from FIR_default[0]
// Sends FIR filter in fir_coeff_ to FPGA